goodness (noun) - the quality or state of being good; the nutritious, flavorful, or beneficial part of something
Synonyms: character, decency, honesty, integrity, morality, virtue
Antonyms: badness, evil, immorality, sin, villainy, wickedness
Goodness can seem like such a simple concept that it's easy to pass it by or take it for granted. With goodness being a fruit of the Spirit, though, it should be something we treasure and strive for every bit as much as joy, patience, gentleness, etc. In today's world, it seems to be easier to imagine someone or something as fully bad than it is to imagine someone or something as fully good, but goodness, like gentleness, should not be viewed as weak. We sing of God's goodness in musical worship because without it, we would be doomed. Grace is good, mercy is good, His everlasting love is good, and the list goes on and on. He is so good to us, so we as His children should gladly accept the call to emulate that goodness to others.
This post includes seven songs about goodness along with Scripture references that inspired them and that I was led to with each entry. All Scripture passages are from the New Living Translation of the Holy Bible.
Forever YHWH by Elevation Worship ft. Tiffany Hudson (written by B. Lake, C. Brown, J. Barrett, S. Furtick)
Featured on Elevation's 2022 album LION with vocals from worship leader Tiffany Hudson, this beautiful song cries out the various names of the Lord as we praise Him (Adonai - Hebrew title of reverence for God; Elohim - Hebrew noun for God; Great I Am - English translation of Yahweh; El Shaddai - translates to God Almighty in English; Prince of Peace - name given to Jesus in Isaiah 9; Emmanuel - translates to God with Us in English). He is good, He is great, He is worthy, and what an honor it is to be able to say the Great I Am lives in me and calls me friend. He loves having a relationship with us.
Adonai, Elohim/Great I Am lives in me/El Shaddai, Prince of Peace/Emmanuel here with me/Your Name is great/And greatly to be praised/Your Name is great/And greatly to be praised
Exodus 6:2-3 And God said to Moses, “I am Yahweh - ‘the Lord.’ I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as El-Shaddai - ‘God Almighty’ - but I did not reveal my name, Yahweh, to them.”
I'll Give Thanks by Housefires ft. Kirby Kaple (written by T. Brown, K. Kaple, J. Jay)
Featured on Housefires' 2019 live album Housefires V with vocals from worship leader Kirby Kaple, this is a song of gratitude towards the Lord for His love, goodness, mercy, and presence just to name a few. He is a strong protector and defender of His children in times of trouble, coming to our aid when we call out to Him for help. Nothing is too difficult for Him to overcome.
In the morning, You sing over me/And I receive Your mercy/Your faithfulness is clear to see/It's constant everyday/In the morning, You sing over me/I receive Your mercy/Your faithfulness is clear to see/It's like the sunrise, constant everyday/Every breath I breathe an invitation/To believe You are creating something good/Though this season doesn't tell my story/I know You'll move mountains for me, You're just that good/So I'll give thanks to God when I don't have enough/‘Cause He's more than enough and He knows what I need/So I'll give thanks to God when I don't have enough/‘Cause He's more than enough and He knows what I need
Nahum 1:7 The Lord is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in him.
Holy Spirit by Jesus Culture ft. Kim Walker-Smith (written by K. Torwalt, B. Torwalt)
Featured on Jesus Culture's 2012 live album Live From New York with vocals by worship leader Kim Walker-Smith, this is an all-time favorite worship song of mine and is my husband's favorite worship song ever. Once you've had a taste of what life with God can be, it's difficult to imagine ever wanting anything different. If experiencing His presence feels that good on Earth, imagine entering into eternity with Him.
There's nothing worth more that will ever come close/No thing can compare, You're our living hope/Your presence, Lord/I’ve tasted and seen of the sweetest of loves/Where my heart becomes free and my shame is undone/In Your presence, Lord/Holy Spirit, You are welcome here/Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere/Your Glory, God, is what our hearts long for/To be overcome by Your presence, Lord
Psalm 96:8-13 Give to the Lord the glory he deserves! Bring your offering and come into his courts. Worship the Lord in all his holy splendor. Let all the earth tremble before him. Tell all the nations, “The Lord reigns!” The world stands firm and cannot be shaken. He will judge all peoples fairly. Let the heavens be glad and the earth rejoice! Let the sea and everything in it shout his praise! Let the fields and their crops burst out with joy! Let the trees of the forest sing for joy before the Lord, for he is coming! He is coming to judge the earth. He will judge the world with justice, and the nations with his truth.
Evidence by Josh Baldwin ft. Dante Bowe (written by E. Cash, E. Hulse, J. Baldwin)
Released as a single in 2021, this song captivated me from the very first time I listened to it. As a worship leader myself, it's such an amazing honor and experience to get to lead a congregation in worship and sing about how good, faithful, and fulfilling the Lord is. We've all had those times where we feel like the dark, desolate valley we're stuck in is never going to end, but God speaks to us in so many ways to remind us of the beauty He is going to create out of those situations.
All throughout my history/Your faithfulness has walked beside me/The winter storms made way for spring/In every season, from where I'm standing/I see the evidence of Your goodness/All over my life, all over my life/I see Your promises in fulfillment/All over my life, all over my life
Isaiah 35:4 Say to those with fearful hearts, “Be strong, and do not fear, for your God is coming to destroy your enemies. He is coming to save you.”
Remember by Lauren Daigle (written by C. Tomlin, E. Cash, J. Ingram, L. Daigle, P. Mabury)
Featured on Daigle's 2018 album Look Up Child, this song is a powerful reminder that God is infinitely bigger than our fear. He is not in the business of leaving and/or forsaking His people. We are never alone if we are in relationship with Him, because the Holy Spirit dwells within us to lend us His strength.
In the darkest hour, when I cannot breathe/Fear is on my chest, the weight of the world on me/Everything is crashing down, everything I had known/When I wonder if I'm all alone/I remember, I remember/You have always been faithful to me/I remember, I remember/Even when my own eyes could not see/You were there, always there
I Chronicles 16:15 Remember his covenant forever - the commitment he made to a thousand generations.
My Soul Sings by Maverick City Music ft. Dante Bowe (written by C. House, D. Bowe, K. Kaple, J. Jay)
Featured on Maverick City's 2019 live album Maverick City, Vol. 1 with vocals from worship leader Dante Bowe, this song sings beautifully about the feeling of being fully wrapped up in God's love and goodness. It can be hard to see the mountaintop when we're down in the valley, but when we look back on our lives we can see the proof of God's presence and faithfulness throughout it all. Bowe has such a beautiful, unique voice, and you can really feel the emotion come through as he sings this one.
I feel Your goodness on the mountain/And I saw Your love down in the valley/And Your grace still surrounds me/God, You've been good to me/Yes, You've been good to me/And my soul sings/My soul, it sings/With all my heart, I love You Lord/You're my first love, You're my reward/Help through the years, You've been good to me/So good to me, so good to me
Ephesians 2:4-5 But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much, that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead. (It is only by God’s grace that you have been saved!)
Thank You by Maverick City Music ft. Steffany Gretzinger & Chandler Moore (written by S. Gretzinger, C. Moore, D. Bowe)
Featured on Maverick City's 2020 live album Maverick City Music, Vol. 3: Pt. 1 with vocals from worship leaders Steffany Gretzinger and Chandler Moore, this is another gratitude filled song that describes how we could, to use a southern euphemism, "talk until we're blue in the face" about how great God is and could never even come close to fully explaining it. His goodness, generosity, and power know no bounds. What an experience that will be the first time we get to experience Him in all His glory when we enter Heaven!
I can sing a billion songs, dance 'til my feet are numb/Spin 'til I'm empty and poor, can't praise You enough/I can shout 'til my voice gives way, leap 'til I have no strength/Lose my breath trying to explain, I can't praise You enough/And if time were to stall, I can never tell it all/Words are few, this will have to do/I just wanna thank You, I just wanna thank You/I just wanna thank You, oh, I'm so grateful/I just wanna thank You, I just wanna thank You/I just wanna thank You, I am, I'm so grateful
II Samuel 2:6 May the Lord be loyal to you in return and reward you with his unfailing love! And I, too, will reward you for what you have done.
I hope you found some music that helps to connect you with the Father today. Happy listening, and see ya'll next week!