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Words of Worship: Greatness

Writer's picture: jordannswrightjordannswright

greatness (noun) - the quality or state of being great (as in size, skill, achievement, or power)

Synonyms: distinction, excellence, perfection, superbness

Antonyms: fineness, littleness, puniness, smallness

Greatness is something all human beings discuss, because so often it's something we ourselves aspire to. We discuss the physical prowess of our favorite athletes and the creative minds of our favorite artists at length, debating who or shouldn't be a the top and who is and isn't deserving of the title of greatness. The greatness of the Lord, however, is the truest form of greatness as there is no doubt whatsoever that He is exactly that: great. We sing about His greatness because it's a big part of how He is able to know us truly and completely, how He is omniscient and omnipotent, and how He rules over every single thing without tiring. God's greatness is to be heartily respected as well as joyfully celebrated, because His power saved us from ourselves and the enemy so that we can spend eternity with Him.

This week's post includes seven songs about greatness along with Scripture references that inspired them and that I was led to with each entry. All Scripture passages are from the New Living Translation of the Holy Bible.

Great Are You Lord by All Sons & Daughters (written by J. Ingram, D. Leonard, L. Jordan)

Featured on All Sons & Daughters' 2014 self-titled album, this is a beautiful declaration of what the Lord is: life, love, light, provider, healer, and our topic of this week, great. He's more than worthy enough for our praise just by being God, but it's so good to remember these traits of His so that no matter what season of life we're in we remember what He's capable of. He truly is unmatched in His majesty.

You give life, You are love/You bring light to the darkness/You give hope, You restore/Every heart that is broken/And great are You, Lord/It's Your breath in our lungs/So we pour out our praise, we pour out our praise/It's Your breath in our lungs/So we pour out our praise to You only

Psalm 150:1-2 Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heaven! Praise him for his mighty works; praise his unequaled greatness!

How Great A King by Bethel Music, Paul McClure & Hannah McClure (written by S. Mosley, M. Hammitt, H. McClure, P. McClure)

Featured on Bethel's 2019 live album Victory and featuring vocals from worship leader duo The McClures, this is a sweeping, lovely song detailing how great God and His love for His children are. He loves us so completely that Jesus was willing to live over three decades as a human and die in one of the most brutal ways possible so that we could be free of our sins. He is above all things, and He's also in the middle of life's trenches with us so that we never have to worry about feeling alone.

You reached from the sky/Leaving Heaven's throne/I was meant to die/You wouldn't let me go/The riches of Your grace/I could not afford/My guilt has been erased/Now I'm forever Yours/And oh, what a price You paid/Trading the highest place/Laid down Your crown for me/How great a king

Psalm 95:3 For the Lord is a great God, a great King above all gods.

How Great Thou Art by Chris Rice (written by C. Boberg)

Featured on Rice's 2006 album Peace Like A River: The Hymns Project, this is my all-time favorite hymn, and I love the lullaby feel Rice gives it on this cover. The lyrics of this song don't hold back on how in awe we should all feel as God's children to think even a little bit of the marvelous works He has done throughout all of time. He created stars, controls storms, and still counts us as precious and loves us enough to send His Son to die for us.

O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder/Consider all the works Thy hands hath made/I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder/Thy pow'r throughout the universe displayed/Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee/How great Thou art, how great Thou art/Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee/How great Thou art, how great Thou art

Psalm 86:10-17 For you are great and perform wonderful deeds. You alone are God. Teach me your ways, O Lord, that I may live according to your truth! Grant me purity of heart, so that I may honor you. With all my heart I will praise you, O Lord my God. I will give glory to your name forever, for your love for me is very great. You have rescued me from the depths of death. O God, insolent people rise up against me; a violent gang is trying to kill me. You mean nothing to them. But you, O Lord, are a God of compassion and mercy, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness. Look down and have mercy on me. Give your strength to your servant; save me, the son of your servant. Send me a sign of your favor. Then those who hate me will be put to shame, for you, O Lord, help and comfort me.

How Great Is Our God (World Edition) by Chris Tomlin (written by C. Tomlin, E. Cash, J. Reeves)

Featured on Tomlin's 2011 album How Great Is Our God: The Essential Collection, this is a really special, awesome version of one of the artist's greatest hits. Mixed in with the original English lyrics are lyrics translated to Hindi, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swahili, and Mandarin, which just adds even more weight to the scope of God's reach across the world. His greatness transcends language, culture, and distances and unites His Church under His banner of love.

The splendor of a King clothed in majesty/Let all the Earth rejoice, all the Earth rejoice/He wraps himself in light and darkness tries to hide/And trembles at His voice, trembles at His voice/How great is our God, sing with me/How great is our God, and all will see/How great, how great is our God

Psalm 104:1-3 Let all that I am praise the Lord. O Lord my God, how great you are! You are robed with honor and majesty. You are dressed in a robe of light. You stretch out the starry curtain of the heavens; you lay out the rafters of your home in the rain clouds. You make the clouds your chariot; you ride upon the wings of the wind.

Our God by Chris Tomlin (written by C. Tomlin, J. Reeves, J. Myrin, M. Redman)

Featured on Tomlin's 2010 album And If Our God Is For Us..., this worship classic details some of the miracles Jesus performed out of the greatness of the Father. The bridge of this song is so powerful, challenging the world to try and stop us or stand against us when the literal Creator of the universe is not only on our side, but dwells within our very hearts. He is the greatest, the strongest, and the most awesome by a mile.

Water You turned into wine/You opened the eyes of the blind/There's no one like You/None like You/Into the darkness You shine/Out of the ashes we rise/There's no one like You/None like You/Our God is greater, our God is stronger/God, You are higher than any other/Our God is healer, awesome in power/Our God, our God

Psalm 135:5 I know the greatness of the Lord - that our Lord is greater than any other god.

Greater by MercyMe (written by D. Lawrence, K. Carter, L. McGee)

Featured on MercyMe's 2014 album Welcome to the New, this is such a fun, joyful song celebrating the greatness, power, and overall bigness of the Lord. It's so catchy, and basically straight out of I John 4. Nothing we bring before God is to much for Him to handle, too heavy for Him to carry, or possible of catching Him off guard.

Bring your tired and bring your shame/Bring your guilt and bring your pain/Don't you know that's not your name/You will always be much more to me/Every day, I wrestle with the voices that keep telling me I'm not right/But that's alright/‘Cause I hear a voice and He calls me redeemed/When others say I'll never be enough/And greater is the One living inside of me/Than he who is living in the world/In the world/In the world/And greater is the One living inside of me/Than he who is living in the world

I John 4:4 But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.

Not Afraid by Mosaic MSC (written by A. Figueroa, K. Waters)

Featured on Mosaic's 2016 live album Glory & Wonder, the lyrics of this song declare God's greatness as the reason the narrator turns their back on fear and darkness. Turning towards the Light leads to peace, love, goodness, and all the other wonderful things the Lord provides, and while it's not easy it's infinitely worth it. He can't be contained by anything we as humans dream up, and He is the most fulfilling thing we can fill our lives with.

I'm not afraid of the darkness anymore/I’m holding fast to the grace that never ends/And every step I take, You're leading me on/When I hear Your Name, I can't help but fall on my knees/Hallelujah/No one can contain You, no eye can behold/Hallelujah/Your love has come rushing, my heart overflows

I Chronicles 29:11 Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty. Everything in the heavens and on earth is yours, O Lord, and this is your kingdom. We adore you as the one who is over all things.

I hope these songs and Scriptures bless your spirit as much as they've blessed mine these past few days. Happy listening, and see ya'll next week!

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